Board Members
Board Members
Board Members
For the first year, members will get complimentary yearly copies of the DAAUS's Academic Journal.
Members will get the DAAUS Bulletin and Publications electronically.
Usage of trademarks and logos of Department of Academic Accreditation USA Members in accordance with the Guidelines.
Attend and/or host DAAUS activities such as the Biannual Conference, seminars, and Forum.
Participation in review committees for members of the Department of Academic Accreditation USA.
Promote events on the DAAUS website and through personal social media platforms.
Take advantage of the priority of being involved in and given the many initiatives of Department of Education United State
Members will get access to the consultant database.
Members (all categories) who have paid their dues and are current on their membership can apply for discounts on conferences, seminars, workshops, and forums. registration costs.
Associate members are not directly responsible for insuring the quality of higher education institutions or programs, but share a strong interest in assessment, accreditation, and quality assurance in this arena.
Full members are organizations that are in charge of ensuring the quality of academic institutions and programs, such as accreditation, audit, or other agencies in charge of externally evaluating institutions and/or programs.
Those who are interested in the evaluation, accreditation, and quality assurance of higher education institutions are considered affiliate members. They have worked in the field of higher education evaluation and quality assurance.
The Department of Academic Accreditation USA collaborates with various government agencies, ministries, and educational sectors to establish its recognition as a regional and global accrediting body. It offers education services to foreign students, requiring educational institutions to meet national education standards in delivery, facilities, and services. Additionally, it has introduced a Fee Security Plan that allows eligible international students to receive a refund of their tuition fees if they have not started their course.
The Department of Academic Accreditation USA conducts assessments and accreditations of Higher Educational Institutions to determine their Quality