Overall, obtaining financial assistance through student loans is a necessary step for many students to pursue higher education. However, it is important for students to educate themselves about the different loan options available, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with each option.

Eligibility Criteria

Student loan eligibility rules govern who can obtain educational assistance. Financial necessity and U.S. citizenship or eligible non-citizenship are the most significant factors. Financial assistance has no age, race, income, or major restrictions. DAAUS provides college and vocational school financial aid. Financial aid is available despite of age, race, or major. Income doesn't influence financial aid eligibility.

School Funding Requires:
  • GED or high school diploma required for university or vocational school.

  • A normal degree or certificate programme requires Selective Service (for men) and a valid Social Security number.

  • Check that you are not overdue on student loan payments, that you have no grant payback commitments, and that you will use financial aid just for your studies.


The Department of Academic Accreditation USA collaborates with various government agencies, ministries, and educational sectors to establish its recognition as a regional and global accrediting body. It offers education services to foreign students, requiring educational institutions to meet national education standards in delivery, facilities, and services. Additionally, it has introduced a Fee Security Plan that allows eligible international students to receive a refund of their tuition fees if they have not started their course.

The Department of Academic Accreditation USA conducts assessments and accreditations of Higher Educational Institutions to determine their Quality

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